Day 21 - Bye-bye Taiwan
Today’s Programme | |
Morning | |
Afternoon | Leaving Taiwan and Going Home |
Evening |
I was the last one who got up because I slept around 4 am on the night before. Everything must be ready before 9 am. I had to hurry. I didn’t touch the breakfast (bread, a piece of seaweed rice, and a milk tea) that the Fu Dao Yuan gave us since the morning call. (Morning call didn’t wake me up.) I finished dressing on time and moved my luggage to the first floor to get ready for the bus. Sitting on the bus, I saw a Fu Dao Yuan from group3 crying. I would cry too if she wsa my FDY, but that would be so embarrassing.
We stuck in the traffic jams for about 2 hours before reaching the airport. We didn’t have time to walk around the airport because we didn’t have much time left. We spent long time arranging the luggage. Our group was the first one who got to check-in, thank XuanXuan again. P’Arm asked the one who had overweight luggage to check-in first. I was the first one who volunteered to be the first ‘cos P’Arm told me that it was about 30 kg. He was right. My luggage was 28 kg. It was because I was greedy. I believe that the brochures I collected were too heavy -_-“ I was happy that the FDY managed to talk to the airline officer to allow my luggage. I left the Jusport bag at the airport while the others had to carry that heavy bag onboard ‘cos their luggage was also over-weight. The stuff I had to carry onboard was only the Mochi packages, using the bag I got from Ilan, which wasn’t heavy at all. After everybody in my group checked-in, P’Arm announced that there was 30 kg space left for us. I really had no idea how he managed to have that space when everybody had over-weight bag, but it was good ‘cos some people could check their Jusport bags in too.
While waiting for the other groups to check in, I went to exchange the Taiwanese money I got left because I was lazy to go to the exchange shop when I arrive home. I had only NTD 2,000++ left. Getting through the immigration process, I found that the Immigration area there are displayed for non-passengers too. It’s the first Immigration office that non-passengers can see the process. Lucky that the gate wasn’t far from the Immigration office because we didn’t have much time left. Arriving at the gate, I found that Oum and Jiap were looking after people’s bags when they went out shopping. Oum was obviously tired. I carried the light back and looked for the place to spend the Taiwanese money I had left because I didn’t want to keep the coins. I had enough Taiwanese coins at home from my father. I found the Chinese-style stamps in the National Palace Museum shop – airport brunch. It costed NTD50 but I had NTD45, so I got to ask for (not borrowing) NTD5 form Jiap. I ended up with no Taiwanese money left hehe.
Walking to the gate, Hong and I were still a good match. We took pictures for each other before boarding. We switched the seats with others, so I sat with Hong again. I only waited for the airhostess to serve the lunch. I later slept a few minutes after I was full ‘cos I had no power left. We arrived at Bangkok a few minutes after I woke up. The PTV was useless :(

Arriving at Bangkok, I had to queue at the Foreigner line (It means I had to take picture before getting into the country) again because the Thai lines were closed or packed.
I was one of the first people who reached the luggage line but I was almost the last one who got my luggage. I guess it was because I was the first one who checked-in. Everybody left and I missed taking the group picture!!! But the sign from ChongHua club was still there. Tuan Zhang (the group leader) asked us to take a picture of the small group. I got one picture, not bad, better than nothing.
The end…
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